Women's Journeys in Fiber - Paradigm Shifts: Impressions of Change

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Gretchen Alexander Sue Babbs Hyangsook Cho Janette Gerber

Process & Development

Click on the book to be taken to Blurb.com where you can purchase a copy of the book.

Marcia Lee Hartnell Nancy Herzog Candace Hoffman Alice Jenks
Mary Krebs Smyth Laurie Kosky Cindy Kuo Kay Lange Joy Lavrencik
  Cathy Mendola Elizabeth Mini Jeanne Reed Julia Rivera
  Valerie Rodelli Sally Schoch Carolyn Seng Jan Sneesby Aaron
  Marla Snyder Linda Sorkin Eisenberg Loraine Stillman Gale Wessel

par-a-digm shift. -n. a radical change in underlying beliefs or theory. Coined by T.S. Kuhn (1922-96), U.S. philosopher of science.

The Shift Dress - A shift dress is a short sleeveless dress, usually with a boat neckline and darts. It hangs from the shoulders and can be straight or slightly "A" line. Shifts have been popular since the 1960s. Audrey Hepburn wore a black shift designed by Hubert de Givenchy in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's in 1961.

Shifts were favoured by Jacqueline Kennedy, Princess Grace of Monaco, Twiggy and Lily Pulitzer who continues to market them as a staple in her clothing line.

Problem - Construct a "shift" style dress to be used as your canvas to represent a Paradigm shift in your life, science, religion, or politics.

Process & Development - Use textile techniques of your choosing to express the paradigm shift you select. Your representation can be literal or abstract. You may use the back of the dress to represent the old beliefs or theories (past) and the front to represent the new (future) beliefs or theories.

Each participant will keep a sketchbook/journal paying particular attention to how you move through the creative process. Research, sketch, journal, sample, and photo document your work along the way.

Each artist will write a statement describe their chosen paradigm shift, to be exhibited alongside the work.


November 7-10, 2013, Chicago Botanic Garden. Opening, Thursday, November 7, 6:30-9pm.

January 26, 2014 to March 9, 2014, Anderson Art Center. Opening, January 26, 2014, 1-4pm.

March 15-23, 2014, Chicago Flower & Garden Show.

Contact Webmaster at WomensJourneysinFiber at gmail.com

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All text and images are the copyright of Women's Journeys in Fiber or the individual artists. Reproduction of any kind is prohibited without prior written consent.

Last Updated November 7, 2013