Women's Journeys in Fiber - Boxes: Treasure, Structure, Expression
Problem - Using any textile technique or techniques, create a three dimensional work inspired by the words, Treasture - Structure - Expression. Use your imagination. Your work can be literal or conceptual.
Process & Development - Keep a sketchbook/journal, recording your creative process. Research, sketch, journal and photo document your work along the way. Each artist will write a statement describing your inspiration and proces which wil be exhibited alongside your work.
November 3-5, 2017, Chicago Botanic Garden. Opening, Thursday, November 2, 6:30-9pm.
January 28, 2018 to March 3, 2013, Anderson Art Center. Opening, January 28, 2018, 1-4pm.
March 14-18, 2018 Chicago Flower & Garden Show.
Contact Webmaster at WomensJourneysinFiber at gmail.com
All Rights Reserved
All text and images are the copyright of Women's Journeys in Fiber or the
individual artists. Reproduction of any kind is prohibited without prior written
Last Updated November 2, 2017