Women's Journeys in Fiber - Aprons: Myth Memory Fantasy

To learn more about a particular artist, click on their picture on the right.

Process & Development


Gretchen Alexander Sue Babbs Joan Cotter Madelyn Gaul

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Janette Gerber Marcia Lee Hartnell Cindy Heineman Nancy Herzog
  Candace Hoffmann Alice Jenks Laurie Kosky Mary Krebs Smyth
  Cindy Kuo Kay Lange Joy Lavrencik Naomi McEneely
  Elizabeth Mini Vivian Morrison Jo Mortland Jeanne Reed
  Virginia Reisner Julia Rivera Shelia Schaeffer-Hirsh Barbara Schneider
  Sally Schoch Carolyn Seng Jan Sneesby Aaron Linda Sorken Eisenberg
  Loraine Stillman Gail Wessel    

(Photos by Patrick Fraser)

Apron (noun) a protective or decorative garment worn over the front of one’s clothes, either from chest or waist level, and tied at the back.

Problem - Using any textile technique or techniques, create a wearable apron that is inspired by myth memory or fantasy.

Process & Development -

Each participant will keep a journal/sketchbook paying particular attention to how you move through the creative process. Sketch, journal, sample, and photo document your steps along the way.

Each artist will write a statement to be displayed with the work. 


November 3-6, 2011, Chicago Botanic Garden. Opening, Thursday, November 3, 6:30-9pm.

January 29 - March 4, 2012, Anderson Art Center. Opening, January 29, 2012, 1-4pm.

March 10-18, 2012, Chicago Flower & Garden Show.

Contact Webmaster at WomensJourneysinFiber at gmail.com

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All text and images are the copyright of Women's Journeys in Fiber or the individual artists. Reproduction of any kind is prohibited without prior written consent.

Last Updated April 6, 2013